Luckily, the output says Line 3, so I don't have to put all 125 lines of code. But this error makes no sense. The whole script is in a LocalScript.
Works in Play solo, but not in Online...
Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character wait(5) Torso = Character.Torso --Aparently, the error is here... mode ="Model") mode.Name = "Raggy" mode.Parent = game.Workspace face = 145952218
Output: attempt to index global 'Character' (a nil value)
Just to be sure, you can try:
player = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until player.Character character = player.Character
You define character before the character is loaded, thus making it equal nil. To fix this, simply delay the code until the character is loaded.
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until plr.Character local chr = plr.Character