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Why does this give me an error??

Asked by 10 years ago

Luckily, the output says Line 3, so I don't have to put all 125 lines of code. But this error makes no sense. The whole script is in a LocalScript.

Works in Play solo, but not in Online...

Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
Torso = Character.Torso --Aparently, the error is here...
mode ="Model")
mode.Name = "Raggy"
mode.Parent = game.Workspace
face = 145952218

Output: attempt to index global 'Character' (a nil value)

2 answers

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Answered by
RedCombee 585 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Just to be sure, you can try:

player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
repeat wait() until player.Character
character = player.Character
Hopefully, this will work. If it doesn't, there may be something wrong with your game. RedCombee 585 — 10y
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Answered by
Perci1 4988 Trusted Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

You define character before the character is loaded, thus making it equal nil. To fix this, simply delay the code until the character is loaded.

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    repeat wait() until plr.Character
local chr = plr.Character

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