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Creating a conveyor belt?

Asked by 4 years ago

I've made conveyor belts in the past, but I made them using the velocity property, but the issue is that in recent updates they removed that property, and I'm not sure if the new AssemblyAngularVelocity and AssemblyLinearVelocity are the same things, because the wiki is annoying. if they're not, how would I go about making a conveyor belt via scripts and body forces

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Answered by
To0_ny 141
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

you can edit the velocity by using a script, if you want an example, create a new game and use the obby template, there is a conveyor belt block in the game, heres the code the block uses.


local conveyor = script.Parent
conveyor.Velocity = conveyor.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(, 0, 5)) -- change that for the direction you want it to go, the bigger the number the faster it will go

Hope this helps!

exactly what I needed, thanks :) gwenniekins 59 — 4y
Quick comment, velocity has been updated to assemblylinearvelocity and assemblyangularvelocity, but I think assemblylinearvelocity works the same as normal velocity. thecelestialcube 123 — 4y

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