Hi! I'm in need of making an edit to my script that allows the player to kill another character with just the click of a button? I want to give this ability some range, I don't just want the player to be able to kill the other character from the other side of the map. If you are in need of seeing the script, here it is.
`local Debounce = false script.Parent.Kill.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Mouse) if Mouse.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local Animation = script.Parent.Pain local LoadedAnim = Mouse.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) local Anim = script.Parent.User local User = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim) if Debounce == false then Debounce = true LoadedAnim:Play() Mouse.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(50) User:Play() wait(5) LoadedAnim:Stop() User:Stop() else Debounce = false print("Nawr") end end end)
` It is a server-script binded by a Remote Event.