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how do i code first person lock?

Asked by
uq3i 5
4 years ago

how do i make it to where when your character spawns your instantly locked in first person?

3 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

Auto First Person Set Up

You don't need a script to do this!

Simply follow this step:

1.Open Explorer

2.Click on StarterPlayer

3.Search for CameraMode in Properties

4.Change the CameraMode to LockFirstPerson

Only That,

Good Luck!

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Answered by
To0_ny 141
4 years ago

The solution for this is really easy, just create a script in "ServerScriptService" and insert the code below in the script


game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- player added means a player joined the game
    wait(0.5) -- wait for the players to load
    player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 0.5 -- 0.5 is basically first person
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Answered by 4 years ago

First of all open Explorer and Properties. 1. In the browser select "StarterPlayer" 2. When you have StarterPlayer selected, in Properties, go to the option that says "CameraMode" 3. Lastly, change the "Classic" to "LockFirstPerson"

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