I am in the process of making a horror game, and in that horror game, there are parts where your screen goes through an animated frame made out of 9 static frames, that are all different. Through an array, this works perfectly fine and it animates.
For PC users, the static works fine and no issues are found, however, for mobile, it's a completely different story.
Instead of smoothly animating, it makes a continuous flash between the frames, causing an epilepsy like flashing, and due to that it cannot be left in the game like that.
The thing that confuses me the most of it is that it only happens on mobile. The game has a main menu which also has the animated static, however, on the menu the static is fine for mobile as well.
It's very confusing to me and I have no idea why.
Things to keep in note - The player is teleported via a play button to a secondary place from the Main Menu - The animated static array in the main menu works perfectly fine for both mobile and pc - The animated static array in the main game works perfectly fine for pc but flashes for mobile
Please let me know if any of the links below do not work. EDIT: The links should be fixed and watchable
What a PC User Sees: Jumpscare warning
What a Mobile User Sees: Jumpscare warning and Epilepsy Warning (Don't mind timing lag, that's related to another issue)
From what you can see there, as you can see, the flashing is pretty bad. Again, I'm unsure what causes this, and all I have is an image frame that's turned into an animated frame by this script:
01 | local StaticFrame = script.Parent |
02 | local UI = StaticFrame.Parent |
03 |
04 | local Player = game:GetService( "Players" ).LocalPlayer |
05 | local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() |
06 |
07 | local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService( "ReplicatedStorage" ) |
08 | local RemoteEvents = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents |
09 |
10 | local StartStatic = RemoteEvents.StartStatic |
11 | local EndStatic = RemoteEvents.EndStatic |
12 |
13 | local TeleportService = game:GetService( "TeleportService" ) |
14 | local PlaceID = 6429016632 |
15 |
Essentially, the static is meant to start when the StartStatic
Remote is fired from the server to the client, to make the static appear.
I'm not sure how to fix this issue nor am I sure on what causes this bug. If I could get some help with this, it would be great.