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For some reason. My MouseButton1Click script won't even run? Help!

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

I'm trying to make a localscript that when the button is pressed. the switch moves to the other side. But i havent even made it to that point! The "Script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()" Isnt working. Its not even firing. I assume one of the variables is making it wait for eternity or something. Or roblox is lagging. But what am I doing wrong?

-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

-- Script Values
local Mode = "WonderLand"
local CoolDown = false

local BackGround = script.Parent.Parent
local Button = script.Parent

local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

local WonderButton = BackGround.WonderLand
local HorridButton = BackGround.HorridLand


script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --Not Working
    print("Switch Pressed")
    if not CoolDown and Mode == "WonderLand" then
        CoolDown = true
        Mode = "HorridLand"
        ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("HorridLand").Parent = game.Workspace
        game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("WonderLand").Parent = ReplicatedStorage
        CoolDown = false
    elseif not CoolDown and Mode == "HorridLand" then
        CoolDown = true
        Mode = "WonderLand"
        ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("WonderLand").Parent = game.Workspace
        game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("HorridLand").Parent = ReplicatedStorage
        CoolDown = false

Might be because it's a local script. Try it in a normal script, remove the Player variable, and instead of "script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()", do "script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function(Player)". This gets the Local player. CoolBlueJay000 48 — 3y
Oh! I might be wrong here, where it says "if not CoolDown", try "if not CoolDown == true and Mode == WonderLand then".. Sorry if I'm wrong here, I'm a bit new with scripting CoolBlueJay000 48 — 3y
*correction: do "if not Cooldown == true" on all of the ones that reference it.* CoolBlueJay000 48 — 3y
Nothing has worked. By the way! I know your new so i'll correct you. I dont believe you can edit a gui in a normal script Galaxybombboy 134 — 3y
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Why would you allocate 'Button', then neglect it with referencing 'script.Parent' directly? ':FindFirstChild()' is not a replacement for the dot operator, you should not be using it in this program. Ziffixture 6913 — 3y
It can't just "not work". What is the program type, location, and Instance classification of the Button. Ziffixture 6913 — 3y
No worries! I fixed it. I will post how i fixed it later! Galaxybombboy 134 — 3y

2 answers

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Answered by 3 years ago

I highly suggest using


Your object could happen to not load in time, therefore bugs out or something similar.

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Answered by 3 years ago

I fixed it!

-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")

-- Script Values
local Mode = "WonderLand"
local CoolDown = false

local BackGround = script.Parent.Parent
local Button = script.Parent

local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Safe = Player:FindFirstChild("Safe")

local WonderButton = BackGround.WonderLand
local HorridButton = BackGround.HorridLand


    print("Switch Pressed")
    if CoolDown == false and Mode == "WonderLand" then --MAKES IT DARKER AND GOTH
        CoolDown = true
        Mode = "HorridLand"
        Button:TweenPosition(HorridButton.Position, nil, nil, 0.7)
        ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("HorridLand").Parent = game.Workspace
        game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("WonderLand").Parent = ReplicatedStorage
        Lighting.ClockTime = 1
        CoolDown = false
    elseif CoolDown == false and Mode == "HorridLand" then -- MAKES IT LESS GOTH
        CoolDown = true
        Mode = "WonderLand"
        Button:TweenPosition(WonderButton.Position, nil, nil, 3.4)
        ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("WonderLand").Parent = game.Workspace
        game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("HorridLand").Parent = ReplicatedStorage
        Lighting.ClockTime = 14
        CoolDown = false

Heh.. My error was i was trying to use TweenService for a gui...

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