Hey! I'm new to scripting, I know there is something called "Instance.new()" that inserts a part, but I can't find any good explanations. If anyone could give me a brief tutorial on "instance.new()" command It would be most helpful!
is a constructor function that returns a blank Instance of the given type. The Instance isn't "created" until you give said Instance a parent.
When the returned value is retrieved, it will contain the Instance specified under the constructor parameter, which is the ClassName of the Instance you want the function to return. (An Instance's ClassName tells you what kind of an Instance it is. For example, IntValues have the IntValue ClassName.)
If the value is not given a parent, the Instance will not be "created" and will sit in thin air. You can still edit its properties, but you can't access it from Explorer because it is, by strict definition, nil until you actually give it a parent.