Ive tried doing the text label effect the regular way but it wasnt work, so i changed to this, the text label still wont change though no errors;
01 | local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
02 | if workspace.IntroductionValue.Value = = 1 then |
03 | print ( "(????)" ) |
04 | script.Parent.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 |
05 | wait( 0.1 ) |
06 | script.Parent.Text = "H" |
07 | wait( 0.5 ) |
08 | script.Parent.Text = "Hu" |
09 | wait( 0.5 ) |
10 | script.Parent.Text = "Huh" |
11 | wait( 0.5 ) |
12 | script.Parent.Text = "Huh." |
13 | wait( 0.5 ) |
14 | script.Parent.Text = "Huh.." |
15 | wait( 0.5 ) |
There is nothing activating the function.
Do the following. Create something that activates the function, such as a remoteEvent that, when triggered, does this.
So... Let's assume that the dialogue starts when the player touches a piece
To activate this RemoteEvent on the specific client, do the following.
01 | local Debounce = false -- Is a lock. |
02 |
03 | script.Parent.Touched:Connect( function (Hit) |
04 | if Debounce = = false then |
05 | Debounce = true |
06 |
07 | local Character = Hit.Parent |
08 | local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) |
09 | if Player then |
10 | script.Parent.RemoteEvent:FireClient(Player) |
11 | end |
12 |
13 | end |
14 | end ) |
In the LocalScript.
1 | local DialoguePart = workspace:WaitForChild( "DialoguePart" ) |
2 | local RemoteEvent = DialoguePart:WaitForChild( "RemoteEvent" ) |
3 |
4 | RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect( function (Player) |
5 | -- Your Code here. To make changes to the text. |
6 | end ) |
Hope this helps
Any questions, you can ask me
Try seeing if it's because you're using an if statement when you should have something that checks more often (if statements only run once)
01 | local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
02 |
03 | workspace.IntroductionValue:GetPropertyChangedSignal( "Value" ):Connect( function () |
04 | if workspace.IntroductionValue.Value = = 1 then |
05 | print ( "(????)" ) |
06 | script.Parent.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 |
07 | wait( 0.1 ) |
08 | script.Parent.Text = "H" |
09 | wait( 0.5 ) |
10 | script.Parent.Text = "Hu" |
11 | wait( 0.5 ) |
12 | script.Parent.Text = "Huh" |
13 | wait( 0.5 ) |
14 | script.Parent.Text = "Huh." |
15 | wait( 0.5 ) |