Is there such thing as a script that acts like a local script but can be placed in workspace? If there there is such thing then help me with this script there is nothing wrong but i need a way to act like a local script but can be placed in workspace.
GuiText = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameText.Frame.TextOfGame GuiText.Text = "Intermission 16" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 15" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 14" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 13" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 12" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 11" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 10" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 9" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 8" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 7" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 6" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 5" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 4" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 3" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 2" wait(.6) GuiText.Text = "Intermission 1" wait(.6)
I personally use functions for this kind of Gui
* Example *
function GuiText(Txt) for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do Gui=Plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") ----------------------------------------------- Gui.GameText.Frame.TextOfGame.Text=(Txt) end end
Second part
GuiText("Intermisson 10") wait(0.6) GuiText("Intermisson 9") --Etc