Im trying to make my own Admin and I believe I have everything correct yet for some reason it wont Instance any Errors or the Tablets like it should can anyone find the error??? Or is it just a rare glith? I DONT KNOW IM CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait() HP={ ['Removed']=false; ['NetAble']=false; ['HttpAble']=false; ['CodeLock']=true; --You can still script but... Not if it filters it :/ ['Version']={'0.1'}; ['Filters']={ ['Enabled']=false; ['Phrases']={'Ban','Kick','Solar','NOVA','Verm','Earth','Sypti'}; }; ['ScriptLines']={9001}; --ITS OVAR 9000!!!!!! ['GameSource']={'_Idk_Yet_'}; ['Tablets']={}; ['Bet']={':'}; ['Commands']={}; ['Baned']={}; --------------------------------------- ['HPRanks']={ ['Banned'] = -1; ['Loser'] = 0; ['Guest'] = 1; ['Member']= 2; ['Admin'] = 3; ['VIP'] = 4; ['Owner'] = 5; }; ['HPRanked']={ 'jillmiles1',['Rank']=5; 'MessorAdmin',['Rank']=5; 'Player',['Rank']=5; }; };'NumberValue',script) TVersion.Value=(HP.Version) --AutoUpdater local model = script.Parent while not script:FindFirstChild("Version") do wait(0) end; local modelVersion = model.Version.Value; local modelID = 0000 function checkForUpdate() local newModel = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(modelID) if newModel and newModel:FindFirstChild("Version") and newModel.Version:IsA("IntValue") and newModel.Version.Value > modelVersion then newModel.Parent = model.Parent model:Destroy() end end --checkForUpdate() HPCore={}; --MakeInstance HP_Command=function(Name,Command,Rank,Desc,Args,Func) if Name==nil or Name=='' then Name=('Name Unspecified') end if Command==nil or Command=='' then Command=('Command Unspecified') end if Rank==nil or Rank=='' then Rank=('Rank Unspecified') end if Desc==nil or Desc=='' then Desc=('Desc Unspecified') end if Args==nil or Args=='' then Args=('Args Unspecified') end HP.Commands[Name]={Command=Command,Rank=Rank,Desc=Desc,Func=Func}; end --SetCore GetRanking = function(Player) if type(Player) == "userdata" then Player = Player.Name end if HP.Ranked[Player] ~= nil then return HP.Ranked[Player] else local Table = {} Table[Player] = {Rank = 0}; return Table[Player] end end FindRank = function(Player) if type(Player) == "userdata" then Player = Player.Name end return GetRanking(Player).Rank end CheckRank = function(Player1, Player2) if Player1 == Player2 then return false end if type(Player1) == "userdata" then Player1 = Player1.Name end if type(Player2) == "userdata" then Player2 = Player2.Name end if FindRank(Player1) >= FindRank(Player2) then return true else return false end end ChangeRank = function(Player, Rank) if type(Player) == "userdata" then Player = Player.Name end if HP.Ranked[Player] ~= nil then HP.Ranked[Player].Rank = Rank else HP.Ranked[Player] = {Rank = Rank} end end function Tablet(Colr,Txt,Plr) local'Model',workspace) TabModel.Name=('HPAdminModel') local'Part',TabModel) Tab.Anchored=true Tab.Locked=true Tab.CanCollide=false Tab.Name=('[Output'..Plr.Name) Tab.FormFactor=('Custom'),4,0.2) Tab.Transparency=0.3 Tab.CFrame=Plr.Character.Torso.CFrame local'SelectionBox',Tab) Box.Transparency=0.3 Box.Color=Tab.BrickColor local"BillboardGui",Tab) g.Adornee=Tab g.Active=false,0,6),4,0) local"TextLabel",g),0,1,0) l.BackgroundTransparency=1,0,0) l.TextStrokeTransparency=0 l.Font="SourceSansBold" l.TextWrapped=true l.Active=false l.FontSize="Size18" l.Text=Txt,0,1) local'ClickDetector',Tab) Click.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Pl) if Plr==Plr then return Tab:Destroy() end end) table.insert(HP.Tablets,{Plr=Plr.Name,Tab=Tab}) end Dismiss = function(plr) pcall(function() if type(plr) == "userdata" then plr = plr.Name end for i,v in pairs(HP.Tablets) do if v.Plr == plr then coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do pcall(function() v.Tab.Transparency = i v.Tab.SelectionBox.Transparency = i v.Tab.BG.TL.TextStrokeTransparency = i wait() end) end v.Tab:Destroy() end)() HP.Tablets[i]=nil end end end) end function GetSplit(Message) local a = nil for i = 1, #Message do if Message:sub(i,i) == "/" then a = i + 1 break end end if a ~= nil then return Message:sub(a) else return nil end end onChatted = function(Speaker, Message) if HP.Removed == true then return end local SpeakerName = Speaker.Name if Message:sub(1,3) == "/e " then Message = Message:sub(4) end for _,v in pairs(HP.Filter.Phrases) do if HP.Filter.Enabled == true then if HP.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank <= 0 then local Phrase = v[1] local Lvl = v[2] if Message:lower():match(Phrase:lower()) or Message:upper():match(Phrase:upper()) then if Lvl == 1 then Speaker:Kick() end end end end end for _,v in pairs(HP.Commands) do for _,Use in pairs(v.Uses) do if Message:sub(1,#Use + #HP.Bet) == Use..""..""..HP.Bet then if FindRank(Speaker) >= v.Rank then Message = Message:sub(#Use + #HP.Bet + 1) local Ran, Error = ypcall(function() v.Function(Speaker, Message) end) if not Ran then Tablet('Really red',error,Speaker) end end end end end end --HttpCheck/StudioCheck for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Plr:IsInGroup(955255) or Plr:IsInGroup(845653) then if not game.NetworkServer then HP.NetAble=false Tablet('Lime green','Ran Studio Check!',Plr) else if not game.HttpService then HP.HttpAble=false Tablet('Deep orange','Ran Http Check!',Plr) else end end else end end for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Plr:IsInGroup(955255) or Plr:IsInGroup(845653) then if game.PlaceId==178350907 then HP.GameSource=('SB by Nexure') elseif game.PlaceId==20279777 then HP.GameSource=('SB by Oxcool1') elseif game.PlaceId==0 then HP.GameSource=('[~HP-ERROR~]') Tablet('Institutional white','Ran Game Check : '..HP.GameSource..'!',Plr) end end end local starttime = tick() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() if HP.Removed==false then ypcall(function() for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do local PlayerTablets = {} for i,v in pairs(HP.Tablets) do if v.Holder.Parent ~= nil and v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Plr == Player.Name then table.insert(PlayerTablets, v) end end for i = 1, #PlayerTablets do ypcall(function() local tab = PlayerTablets[i].Tab local pos = nil ypcall(function() pos = Player.Character.Head.CFrame end) local x = math.sin((i / #PlayerTablets- (0.5 / #PlayerTablets) * 2) * math.pi * 2) * PlayerTablets+6 local z = math.cos((i / #PlayerTablets - (0.5 / #PlayerTablets) * 2) * math.pi * 2) * PlayerTablets+6 local cPos = tab.Position local ePos =, 0, z) + (pos.p or, -5, 0)) local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25 cPos = cPos + nPos local t = (tick() - starttime) % 360 local change = 0.625 PlayerTablets[i].Size = math.sin(t) * change + 2.375 tab.CFrame =, (pos.p or, -5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(11.25), 0, 0) end) end end end) end end) --Shutdown function ShutDown() for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do for i = 10, 0, -1 do wait(1) Tablet('Really red','Shuting Down..['..i..']',Plr) end end end --BannedLosers game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(a) if a.Name==(HP.Baned) or a.AccountAge>30 then a:Kick() end end) --ScriptingLock workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(a) for _, Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Plr:IsInGroup(955255) or Plr:IsInGroup(845653) then if HP.CodeLock==true then if a.ClassName=='LocalScript' or 'Script' then if a.Name=='Animate' then a.Disabled=false else a.Disabled=true Tablet('Institutional white','ClassName ['..a.ClassName..']',Plr) Tablet('Institutional white','The Parent Is ['..a.Parent..']',Plr) Tablet('Lime green','Disable ['..a.Name..']?',function() a.Disabled=true end,Plr) Tablet('Lime green','Allow ['..a.Name..']?',function() a.Disabled=false end,Plr) Tablet('Really red','Dismiss',Plr) end else end end end end end) --[[RemoveAnnoyingMessages]]-- workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(a) if a.ClassName=='Message' or 'Hint' then a:remove() end end) --[[TestCommand]]-- HP_Command('Shutdown','sd',1,'Shutdown the server','No current Args',function(Msg,Speaker) ShutDown() end)