Here is my cloning script:
game.ServerStorage.Cardone:Clone().Parent = script.Parent.Parent
How do I change the name of the item I'm cloning in its new spot
Well, one way is just by saying
But, that may not be as easy as it seems, as some people clone an object multiple times. You would set a variable for the clone, so
clone = game.ServerStorage.Cardone:clone() clone.Parent = script.Parent.Parent clone.Name = "Hi"
Simple, heres how;
local Cardone = game:WaitForChild("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Cardone"):Clone() --This will repeat waiting until 'ServerStorage' has loaded, and 'Cardone' has loaded into 'ServerStorage', and when loaded, will set the 'Clone' method of 'Cardone'; The 'Clone' method clones a instance, like a copy of something Cardone.Parent = script.Parent.Parent --This will set 'Cardone''s Parent Cardone.Name = "Cardone" --This will set the name of the Cloned 'Cardone'
Hope this helped!
Or, you could try out my custom cloning function that allows you to set properties much easier.
function cloneWithProperties(obj) if not(type(obj)=='userdata') then return end; local newi = obj:Clone(); return function(props) if not(type(props)=='table') then return end; for i,v in pairs(props) do newi[i] = v; end; end; end; cloneWithProperties(game.Workspace.Part){Parent = game.Workspace.Model; Name = 'kClone testing';};