I had my friend check out my games and he said it is playing two songs at the same time. Is there a problem with this script:
--Made by Stickmasterluke gw=game.Workspace function message(text,time) local oldmsg=gw:FindFirstChild("Hint") if oldmsg then oldmsg.Parent=nil end local spacenumber=time*25 local msg=Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent=gw --[[for i=1, spacenumber do wait(1/25) local maketext="" for i2=1, i do maketext=maketext.." " end maketext=maketext..text for i2=1, spacenumber-i do maketext=maketext.." " end msg.Text=maketext end]] msg.Text=text wait(4) msg.Parent=nil end last="" lastlast="" while true do wait(.1) local tracks=script:GetChildren() local rn=math.random(1,#tracks) local track=tracks[rn] if track~=nil then if track.className=="Sound" and track.Name~=last and track.Name~=lastlast then lastlast=last last=track.Name message(track.Name,5) track:play() wait(120) track:pause() end end end
Well, I could see you're changing songs every 2 minutes. The Pause method has a problem, which I don't know how to reslove, but since you're changing songs, use the Stop method.
Replace ":Pause()" with ":Stop()"