When I said /e dance, it keeps resetting me for some reason. This is what I have:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg == "/e dance" or "/e wave" or "/e point" or "/e laugh" or "/e cheer" or "/e dance2" or "/e dance3" or "/e salute" then player.Character:BreakJoints() end end) end)
As ILuv and Dyler have explained [I am classifying it more], the BreakJoints
method is used to break the joints of a Player's Character, or any other type of Model-type instance containing parts, what BreakJoints
simply does is, well, breaks or destroys the Joints between Part-type instances, for instance, you have a House Model in your game, and you call BreakJoints
on it, it will break the joints of every Part within that Model, making it fall apart [If not anchored], as for the character, heres how it works:
game.Workspace.TheeDeathCaster:BreakJoints() --This will break the joints of my Character --or game.Players.TheeDeathCaster.Character:BreakJoints() --This will also break the joint of my Character
or how it kills the character, it breaks the Joints between the Player's Head and Torso, or the welds are disabled, causing them to seperate, or as the Roblox WIKI says Breaks any surface connection with any adjacent part, including Welds and other JointInstances.
If you want to check out the WIKI, click here
Hope this helped!
Breaking a players joints are killing it
And why did you put the break joints in?Please comment why.