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How can I Tween a GUi's position when a ClickDetector is clicked?

Asked by
qu_uo 0
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

this is the script i have right now script.Parent.MouseClick:Connect(function(pressed) if pressed then game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.checkin:TweenPosition(,-200,0.69,-200),'Out','Quint',0.3,true) end end)

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Answered by
Y_VRN 246 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

(Note: Please format your post correctly, and maybe add some more detail about what you want to achieve next time.)

To answer your question:

script.Parent.MouseClick:Connect(function(player) -- MouseClick event returns the player that clicked it.
    if player then
        -- LocalPlayer only works for LocalScripts. Since "player" returns a Player instance, use it to get the ScreenGui.

ClickDetector.MouseClick event returns a Player object, which is basically the player who clicked it.

Also, server scripts cannot access LocalPlayer, only LocalScripts.


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