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I made a roblox script about a attack doge for my friend is it wrong?

Asked by
kmar_yt -2
4 years ago

local access = (“friend, or person”) game.ReplicatedStorage = Player.PlayerAdded() Local doge =game.Player(function(player) end)

Srry I’m new idk how to do this stuff kmar_yt -2 — 4y
what is this code? Tizzel40 243 — 4y
I don't think you even know the basics, go on youtube and search up a scripting tutorial and learn the basics CelticFury600 4 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

It depends on what you NEED. If you want a attack on touch script, you can follow this: (Expecting that the doge follows any player)

1-- LocalScript
3    if part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
4        part.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(30)
6-- this script makes the parent of it (assuming your localscript for damage is inside a part) deal "30" damage (which can be changed to whatever you like)
7-- you have to put this localscript in a part, so whenever that part touches the player, the player gets -30 (or any value) damage.

Let me know if there is something wrong!


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