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Why is If statement is being ignored?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

I have a very simple question, why my If statement is not working after -If Jugador ~= nil then-, after this the next If statement (if Jugador.Valor.Value > 999 then) is not working but if I put another code for example Jugador.Valor.Value = Jugador. Valor.Value - 1000 without the -If Jugador.Valor.Value > 999 then- it works.

PD: The output shows no errors or warnings.

01local upgrader = workspace.Upgraders.Upgrader1
02local bean = upgrader.Bean
05    if Part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
06        local Jugador = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Part.Parent)
07        if Jugador ~= nil then
08            if Jugador.Valor.Value > 999 then
09                Jugador.Valor.Value = Jugador.Valor.Value - 1000
10                upgrader.Transparency = 0
11                upgrader.CanCollide = true
12                bean.Transparency = 0.7
13                workspace.Upgraders.Upgrader1.Bean.upgradeador1.Disabled = false
14            end
15        end
16    end

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago

Have you made sure to add the Valor inside of the Player? If so, has it been programmed to go over 999? If not, then it won't trigger.

Yeah, all players have the Valor.Value inside of them, also that value can go over 999, if I put another code like Jugador.Valor.Value = Jugador.Valor.Value - 100 for example, WITHOUT the If statement, it works AssassinJackCCP 0 — 4y
Sorry for the late reply, but what kind of script is this? Dothemariobowp9 24 — 4y

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