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How to make a light? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

Is there a code to make some parts glow like lanterns?

just insert a pointlight NinjoOnline 1146 — 10y

Locked by BlueTaslem

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Answered by 10 years ago

You can use code to achieve this, but the most common (and regular) way of doing this is to just insert a PointLight into the brick you wish to act as a light. The PointLight can be found under Insert>Objects..>PointLight

If you have the command-bar open, you can select the part and run this line"PointLight", game.Selection:Get()[1]))

It takes use of the Selection-service natively in ROBLOX to get your first selected object.

I didn't know about the game.Selection:Get(). That's cool. ChipioIndustries 454 — 10y