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Backspace crashes studio when working on script?

Asked by 4 years ago

Whenever i press backspace while working on a script, it keeps making lines and basically crashes studio. I also get this error: "Maximum event re-entrancy depth exceeded for Instance.SourceChanged" Can someone please help me with this issue?

how good is your PC? Dovydas1118 1495 — 4y
i use a gaming pc, and the parts a few years old. The issue only started today. ILikeBaked_Beans 12 — 4y
I fixed it, i just had to disable plugins. ILikeBaked_Beans 12 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago

You shouldn't be reporting studio bugs here. Use the ROBLOX Developer Forum as that's official and ROBLOX admin's and website engineers have a higher chance at reading your post.

If this helped please mark this as solved, thank you.


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