Hey there! I'm trying to figure out how to make the player have health on 0 (therefore, killing the player) once a timer reaches by, lets say, 10 minutes. I couldn't figure this out.
if mins >= 10 and seconds >= 0 then hum.Health = 0
This however doesn't work. Usually my time is around 0 to start. but the script sets the time to 10:00, Immediately killing the player once they spawn.
local mins = 9 local seconds = 40 repeat if seconds >= 10 then mins = mins + 1 seconds = 0 else seconds = seconds + 1 end if seconds < 10 then script.Parent.Text = tostring(mins)..":0"..tostring(seconds) else script.Parent.Text = tostring(mins)..":"..tostring(seconds) end wait(1) until mins >= 10 and seconds >= 0 if mins >= 10 and seconds >= 0 then local chr = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character local hum = chr.Humanoid hum.Health = 0 end
"if mins is greater than or = 10 and if seconds is greater than or equal to 0" it's greater than. so it's killing the player. Script is just doing what you tell it to do.
Here's operators.
">= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to"