I have made an SCP game and I have a problem with a toggle button script this script used to work but is now broken for some reason and I am not sure if it has been broken or if roblox has changed the way scripts work and that script is no longer compatible. The script is supposed to get the rank of a player attempting to press the toggle and if their rank is above a certain rank it works if they are not it doesn't then all the doors in a certain room close.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage') local PlayerService = game:GetService('Players') local Workspace = game:GetService('Workspace') local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService') local DOOR_ROOT = Workspace:WaitForChild('Systems'):WaitForChild('Celldoors'):WaitForChild('Doors') local NetworkEvents = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("NewEvents") local DoorRemote = NetworkEvents:WaitForChild('DoorReplicate') local Permissions = {} function HasPermissionToUse(Player) if Permissions[Player] == nil then Permissions[Player] = Player:GetRankInGroup(2874380) >= 200 or Player:GetRankInGroup(3857842) >= 20 or Player:IsInGroup(3857842) or Player:IsInGroup(3857860) end return Permissions[Player] end DoorRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Type, Door, Switch) if not HasPermissionToUse(Player) then return end if Type == "ToggleDoor" then if Door and DOOR_ROOT:FindFirstChild(Door) then DOOR_ROOT:FindFirstChild(Door).Status.Value = Switch and Switch or false DOOR_ROOT:FindFirstChild(Door).Barrier.CanCollide = not DOOR_ROOT:FindFirstChild(Door).Status.Value end elseif Type == "ToggleAll" then DOOR_ROOT.Parent.AllStatus.Value = not DOOR_ROOT.Parent.AllStatus.Value for _,DoorModel in pairs(DOOR_ROOT:GetChildren()) do DoorModel.Status.Value = DOOR_ROOT.Parent.AllStatus.Value DoorModel.Barrier.CanCollide = not DoorModel.Status.Value end elseif Type == "ToggleRiot" then DOOR_ROOT.Parent.RiotAlarm.Value = not DOOR_ROOT.Parent.RiotAlarm.Value if DOOR_ROOT.Parent.RiotAlarm.Value then --Master Event Announcement end end end)