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ChatGui through Filtering Enabled Help? [closed]

Asked by
M39a9am3R 3210 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

I am having issues with my chat GUI, for some reason it keeps spitting out the same exact error for no absolute visible reason to me, and it will have a funky twist to it as well when I do think I've fixed it. I have FilteringEnabled Enabled because, I want to make my MainFrame compliant with that. I am new to filtering enabled, and am trying to understand how to work with it.

The error is;

ServerScriptService.MainFrameCentral:77:attempt to concatenate local 'plr' (a userdata value)

The Local Script;

--There is previous code
    if key:byte() == 13 then
        game.Workspace.ChatDevice:InvokeServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name, script.Parent.TextBox.Text)
        script.Parent.TextBox.Text = [[Press "/" or click here to chat.]]
--There is later code

The Server Script;

function game.Workspace.ChatDevice.OnServerInvoke(plr, chat)
    local chatholder = game.ServerStorage.MainFrameData.Chat
    chatholder.Chat11.Value = chatholder.Chat10.Value
    chatholder.Chat10.Value = chatholder.Chat9.Value
    chatholder.Chat9.Value = chatholder.Chat8.Value
    chatholder.Chat8.Value = chatholder.Chat7.Value
    chatholder.Chat7.Value = chatholder.Chat6.Value
    chatholder.Chat6.Value = chatholder.Chat5.Value
    chatholder.Chat5.Value = chatholder.Chat4.Value
    chatholder.Chat4.Value = chatholder.Chat3.Value
    chatholder.Chat3.Value = chatholder.Chat2.Value
    chatholder.Chat2.Value = chatholder.Chat1.Value
    chatholder.Chat1.Value = plr .. ": " --This is line 77
    for _,v in pairs(game:service("Players"):children()) do
        game.Workspace.ChatRefresh:InvokeClient(v, chatholder.Chat1.Value, chatholder.Chat2.Value, chatholder.Chat3.Value, chatholder.Chat4.Value, chatholder.Chat5.Value, chatholder.Chat6.Value, chatholder.Chat7.Value, chatholder.Chat8.Value, chatholder.Chat9.Value, chatholder.Chat10.Value, chatholder.Chat11.Value)

I don't understand, and in the Server-side Script, even if I did change "plr" to "plr.Name" the chat will work but will show M39a9am3R: M39a9am3R. I have no idea why, if anyone could explain this to me, any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

Refer to the documentation of OnServerInvoke.

It implicitly passes a reference to the LocalPlayer as the first argument.

Thus your invocation in your LocalScript causes the OnServerInvoke listener to receive

  • LocalPlayer (plr)
  • LocalPlayer.Name (chat)
  • TextBox.Text (you only have 2 arguments so this is thrown out)

Since you are only taking two parameters, you're getting LocalPlayer and LocalPlayer.Name.



  • modify your OnServerInvoke listen to have a dummy variable for the LocalPlayer you aren't caring about

  • don't send LocalPlayer.Name since LocalPlayer is already being passed (the cleaner option)

Oh, I didn't know the OnServerInvoke thing automatically ran the Local Player, I get it now. Thank you, I am sure this is the right answer, but I won't get to testing it until later today. M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y