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How to play an Animation that cannot be interuppted?

Asked by 4 years ago

I tried a lot of things but cant figure it out. Right now im just playing an animation and making sure nothing interrupts it but thats a bad idea things still interrupt it and are MEANT to interrupt it in my game, how can I make it truly uninterruptible, unless I later make it interruptible again with the same script?

All help is appreciated pls halp me :<

not interruptable in what way? Not by other animations? For that you would make a value in Humanoid for example saying that this animation is currently playing, don't play others, else if not interrupted by roblox built-in character animaetions (like idle) you just need to set LoadedAnimation.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action (Not sure if the enum name is right), 'Action' is the highest. imKirda 4491 — 4y
I dont want any form of movement or being hit or anything to stop the animation, I want it to play the entire animation without ever stopping AlexanderYar 788 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

The Priority property of an AnimationTrack defines if other animations should be played while this animation is playing. If you want no animation to ever interrupt this animation, set the Priority property to Enum.AnimationPriority.Action.

but if a player hits another player that is playing an animation with highest priority, will the animation stop? AlexanderYar 788 — 4y
So apparently your kind of right but it can still be interrupted by other high priorities. So to fix it, in the ani.srion editor, i made the event priority action and then ezported it and then it worked! It never gets interrupted unless another animation like that plays, so apparantly just doing that with a script isnt enough, i dont know why, for future reference use this AlexanderYar 788 — 3y

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