Hello, i was scripting SCP-173 and i decided to use camera:WorldToViewportPoint() and it works not as intended.
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local worldPoint = workspace:FindFirstChild("173").PrimaryPart.Position while wait() do local onScreen = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(worldPoint) if onScreen == true then game.ReplicatedStorage["173"]:FireServer(true) elseif onScreen == false then game.ReplicatedStorage["173"]:FireServer(false) end end
The script is a localscript. My problem is that most of the time it works perfectly fine, but sometimes when you go from behind the object it just doesn't register as onScreen and returns false. I made the part i'm detecting as big as i can and it still doesn't work, no matter what i do. Even if there's just a part i'm trying to detect on a baseplate it still works the same.