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The text label says its the name of the player + has won but in game it doesn't show it, why?

Asked by 3 years ago

as you can probably see from the image the "text" says its "hihihihi30FORTNITE has won!!!" but in game it still says label so i dont know what to do. here is the code:

does anyone know why this is happening? if so pls reply why. Thanks

Please do not store items into Lighting, it's deprecated and vulnerable to exploits RazzyPlayz 497 — 3y

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Answered by
Ziffixture 6913 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
3 years ago

The active user-interface doesn't reside under StarterGui. This Service acts as a container for the general UI assets that are to be replicated to each individual Client (Player). For an easier explanation, It is akin to the way StarterGear behaves.

In order to individually modify local GUIs, you must reference the PlayerGui container, within the LocalPlayer.


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