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How can I hide / show a Gui from StarterGui with a script?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

How can I hide / show a Gui from StarterGui with a script? GUI does not show when core value reaches 6000 In my script put error. Here my script.

1if workspace.CoreC.Temp.Value ~= 6000 then
2    game.StarterGui.CoreL.Enabled = true

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Not sure if i understand what youre saying, but you can do something like this; you have a gui in startergui in a screen gui called uwu and inside it is a frame called furry, you get to furry and set visible to false like this;

1game.players.localplayer.PlayerGui.uwu.furry.visible = false

game.players.localplayer.PlayerGui.uwu.furry.visible = false PlayerGui is just startergui but it actually effects the gui on the players screen.


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