local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local RemoteEventFolder = repStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvents") local function SummonStand(plr) local Stand = repStorage.Stands.TheWorld.Stand:Clone() Stand.Parent = plr.Character Stand.Position = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0,1,3) end RemoteEventFolder.SummonStand.OnServerEvent:Connect(SummonStand)
tried this script but vector 3 is not a valid member vector 3
Im kinda bad at vector3 and that type of stuff
Also will i need to take into the orienation of the player or is that not nessary
I think the stand is a model so you have to get the position of one of its parts not the whole model itself