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How would I make players get pulled towards an object? [ANSWERED!]

Asked by
Desmondo1 121
3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

So I'm trying to make a black hole magic attack, but I want to make it so that the players who are close to it get pulled towards it. So how would I make it so that the players get pulled towards it? Should I use raycasting? (I don't need help on the way to detect how a far away a player is from the black hole)

Try using some body forces, like BodyPosition. One idea would be to add a BodyPosition into the players, and Cframe it to the blackhole's Cframe. WizyTheNinja 834 — 3y
Thanks. It worked. But if you're gonna answer a question, don't use comments. Use the answer section instead. Desmondo1 121 — 3y
I didnt provide an answer. I provided general tips and a path to possibly follow. Im glad it worked, however my 2 sentence comment wasn't justifiable enough to be an answer. Now if I had gone into detail on how to use movers, maybe. But I just gave you an idea. WizyTheNinja 834 — 3y

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