so basically , i just started scripting for roblox , i am new , but everytime i get this error , i am trying to make a multi-tab shop and a crate opening system , but i am getting this : "openButton is not a valid member of TextButton "Players.Ciuflex2.PlayerGui.GunShop.Shop.openButton"
and here is the script :
local frame = script.Parent local openButton = frame.openButton frame.Visible = false local function openMenu(openCrate) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer player.PlayerGui.GunShop.Shop.Visible = false end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.openButton.CrateReview = true script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Shop.Visible = false end) openButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(openMenu)