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Making Varibles in a neat little {} How do i do this?

Asked by
hokyboy 270 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

so i was trying to make this handy little varible thing so my scripts looked nicer but its giving me a error at line 1 how do i fix this?

local GalaxyOneInfo ,{
    local GalaxyName = "Galaxy 1 : Honey Hive Galaxy",
    local Diffuculty = Diffuculties.Diffucultys_GalaxyOne,
    local Info = "The Beginning Of You're Adventure , This Galaxy Is Not Hard And More Of A Start To Your Adventure"
    local Requirement = 0

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Answered by
hokyboy 270 Moderation Voter
4 years ago

found the issue , First line of code should be = instead of , and there is no need to put local infront of everything

Fixed code

local GalaxyOneInfo  = {
     GalaxyName = "Galaxy 1 : Honey Hive Galaxy",
     Diffuculty = Diffuculties.Diffucultys_GalaxyOne,
     Info = "The Beginning Of You're Adventure , This Galaxy Is Not Hard And More Of A Start To Your Adventure",
     Requirement = 0

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