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[Resolved] How To Skip Over A Value In An Array Within A For I, V Loop?

Asked by
SWX253 2
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

I'm working on a script that gives items to the player when an enemy is killed. It also can give items at a chance such as having a 10% chance to get a legendary sword. Here's how I organize the loot table for my mobs.

local _C = {

DropsWeapon = {
        true, {"Blizzard Striker", {1, 1}}, --Format is DoesItDropAnything?, {WeapoName, {Chances of dropping}}
        {"Glaciersteel Cleaver", {3, 10}},



return _C

Here is the item drop script.

local MobConfig = require(script.Parent.MobConfig)
local Mob = script.Parent
local Enemy = Mob.Enemy

function DropItem()
    if (Mob == nil) or (Enemy == nil) then return end
    if (not Enemy:FindFirstChild("Player_Tag")) then return end
    local Tag = Enemy:FindFirstChild("Player_Tag")
    if (not Tag) and (not Tag.Value) then return end
    local plr = Tag.Value
    local BP = plr.Backpack
    local SG = plr.StarterGear
    for i, v in pairs(MobConfig.DropsWeapon) do
        print("Loop Started")
        if MobConfig.WeaponDirectory:FindFirstChild(MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i][1]) then
            local DropChance =[i][2][1], MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i+1][2][2])
            if MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i][2][1] == DropChance then
                print("Drop Chance Check")
                if SG then
                    if SG:FindFirstChild(MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i][1]) or BP:FindFirstChild(MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i+1][1]) then return end
                    local W1 = MobConfig.WeaponDirectory[MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i][1]]:Clone()
                    local W2 = MobConfig.WeaponDirectory[MobConfig.DropsWeapon[i][1]]:Clone()
                    W1.Parent = SG
                    W2.Parent = BP
                    print("Items Given")

if MobConfig.DropsWeapon[1] == true then
    print("Checked for a drop")

The issue is whenever I use "i", the script errors with: Attempt to index bool with number on line 15. Is it possible to skip over the first value in the droptable (true)?

add an if statement stating to only do certain values, or even to skip certain ones. E.g: if v:IsA("NumberValue") then, or, if v.ClassName ~= "BoolValue" then WizyTheNinja 834 — 4y
if (typeof(v) ~= "array") then continue end Ziffixture 6913 — 4y
Aight, I tried that, but it doesn't drop the item. At least it doesn't error. I'll try using print() to see where it doesn't work. SWX253 2 — 4y

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