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Why is my identification script not working?

Asked by 10 years ago

I want to make this script to load character data. I can't seem to make it work. here's my code:

Game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) -- it says I need a ) to close the (Function thingy 
--                                                                                              but then it says I need an = sign somewhere.
print(plr.Name.." has joined the server.") 
print(plr.Membershiptype.."is his membership type.")
print(plr.ClanTag.."is his clan tag.")
print(plr.userid.."is his ID.")
print(plr.AccountAge.."is his age on roblox.")
print(plr.CameraMinZoomDistance.."is his minimum zoom distance.")
print(plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance.."is his maximum zoom distance.")

thanks for reading! please answer!

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Answered by 10 years ago

When you use this method of :connect(function() you must have an end) to close it. There is no real wiki article that I could find on this subject, so I hope this helps!

print(plr.Name.." has joined the server.")
print(plr.Membershiptype.."is his membership type.")
print(plr.ClanTag.."is his clan tag.")
print(plr.userid.."is his ID.")
print(plr.AccountAge.."is his age on roblox.")
print(plr.CameraMinZoomDistance.."is his minimum zoom distance.")
print(plr.CameraMaxZoomDistance.."is his maximum zoom distance.")

Don't forget to accept it as an answer. YasuYoshida 171 — 10y
ok. I checked it and it works fine! and yes, I will accept. TroytheDestroyer 75 — 10y

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