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Are GUIs on Android devices purposely scaled improperly?

Asked by
OniiCh_n 410 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

When testing GUI scaling on Android and iOS, I've come to notice that the iOS versions seem to have the GUIs scaled properly, as if it were the game window on a Desktop. Android, on the other hand, has GUIs scaled too big or too small. Is this a bug or...

Just wondering.

Can you give a small example of the Size / Position you're using for a GUI element and either take screenshots or sketch the result? BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y
I've not yet dealt with mobile development, but it might have something to do with the android phone being used. I know that some android phones have very strange aspect ratios that the ROBLOX engine may have trouble handling. iOS is usually consistent with things like that. RoboFrog 400 — 10y

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