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invalid argument #1 to 'rad' (number expected, got CFrame)?

Asked by
Jac_00b 157
4 years ago

Hello, I am having an error with this block of code:

1function game.ReplicatedStorage.Build.OnServerInvoke(Player, Pos, ItemName, counter)
2    local Item = game.ReplicatedStorage.Ores:FindFirstChild(ItemName):Clone()
3    Item.PrimaryPart.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(counter),0)
4    return PlaceItem(Player, Pos, Item, counter)

Basically, this is the server side to a rotation script (whenever you press r a model rotates by 45 degrees). Each model does a have primarypart. So everytime you press r, in the localscript, it increases a value by 45 (counter variable). You can see that I brought over the counter variable on the server invoke. So I tried putting the counter variable into a CFrame.Angles setup, and got the error. I don't know why this is happening as counter is saved as a number variable. Maybe the transition from local to server screwed it up? Any help would be appreciated.

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

math.rad expects a num as an argument, not a CFrame.

Sorry for the late response, but how is it a CFrame? The counter variable is simply a number stored in the script. I never added to it or anything. Jac_00b 157 — 4y
You state that you put the counter to a CFrame.Angles, is this correct? deeskaalstickman649 475 — 4y

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