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What is the best way to learn to script? I know basics of scripting. But i want to make a game.

Asked by
mikwbm 9
4 years ago

It seems so hard to learn to script i know reallyyy basic stuff but after that it gets to complicated how do people learn to script and make games so easyily? Whats the best way to learn to script?


The best way to learn to script is to play around a little. Open up a new baseplate and try some things out. When it comes to something that may seem simple to you but you dont know how to do, search it up! The more you play around in studio with your knowledge and the more you search things up that you question / want to learn how to do the more you will learn. That's how I did! :) ElongatedMongoose 138 — 4y
this question doesnt belong here A_Mp5 222 — 4y

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago

I believe the best way to learn is watching youtube videos, I learnt it that way! You should search up AlvinBlox and watch his Beginners Scripting Series. He explains it so well, and its also beginner friendly!


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