So I am trying to make it so I can call a bindable function through the command line, and be able to have a message replicate to the clients' GUI. When I pass the string "test"
through the command line as a parameter for the :Invoke()
method of my bindable function, it goes through to the function I have hooked up to the bindable function callback, but it does not go through the :PublishAsync()
method as a string. The value it returns is a table, and when I tested for the amount of values in the table, it returned 0 values. I am asking to figure out how to pass a string properly, and possibly why it did not work the way I did it. Thanks.
local msgServ = game:GetService("MessagingService") local msgCall = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MsgCall") local msgEv = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("REMMessageEV") msgServ:SubscribeAsync("GlobalMessage", function(msg) msgEv:FireAllClients(msg) print(msg) end) function msgRec(msg) print(msg) print("Recieved") msgServ:PublishAsync("GlobalMessage", msg) end msgCall.OnInvoke = msgRec --[[ Returns: S: test S: Recieved S: table: 0xaf110b504d891221 ]]
Through extra research I figured out the issue.
I did not realize that the service sends the data in a table with the data sent as a value of a Data
Note: HttpService is not required
local msgServ = game:GetService("MessagingService") local hpServ = game:GetService("HttpService") local msgCall = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MsgCall") local msgEv = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("REMMessageEV") msgServ:SubscribeAsync("GlobalMessage", function(data) local tCheck = hpServ:JSONEncode(data) msgEv:FireAllClients(data.Data) print(data.Data) print(tCheck) end) function msgRec(msg) print(msg) print("Recieved") msgServ:PublishAsync("GlobalMessage", msg) end msgCall.OnInvoke = msgRec