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How can I select a huge amount of values when saving?

Asked by 4 years ago

Yes, I did use a simulator tutorial script because I'm not good at services.

I'm trying to save a huge chunk of values and I used :GetChildren() and it doesn't work.

I'm trying to find an alternative way to save tons of values without putting tons of functions.

Here is the script:

01local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("StatData")
03    wait()
04    local plrkey = "id_"..plr.userId
05    local savevalue = plr.leaderstats.Coins
06    local savevalue2 = plr.leaderstats.Gems
07    local savevalue3 = plr.leaderstats.Power
08    local savevalue4 = plr.Stats.ElementInv:GetChildren()
09    local savevalue5 = plr.Stats.PetInv:GetChildren()
10    local GetSaved = DS:GetAsync(plrkey)
11    if GetSaved then
12        for e = 1,#savevalue4 do
13            for a = 1,#savevalue5 do
14                local save4 = savevalue4[e]
15                local save5 = savevalue5[a]
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1 answer

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Answered by
NeptyU 15
4 years ago
01-- Saving
02local SaveTable = {}
03for i, v in pairs(plr.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do
04    table.insert(SaveTable,{v.Name..v.Value})
07-- Loading
09for i, v in pairs(DS:GetAsync("id"..plr.userId)) do
10    if plr.leaderstats:FindFirstChild(v[1]) ~= nil then
11        plr.leaderstats[v[1]].Value = v[2]
12    end

Might work im not sure, if it doesn't it kinda gives an idea on how to do it

Roblox is down rn. I'll accept your answer if it works. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Roblox is now back up can you give me more information on where to insert the values and what some of the stuff is supposed to be please? CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Another reminder to give me the instructions of the script. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Another reminder to give me the instructions of the script. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
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everything between the lines of 1 and 6 goes in the PlayerJoined function. everything below line 8 is for the PlayerLeaving function NeptyU 15 — 4y
The leaderstats isn't the problem it's the petinv and elementinv. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
The leaderstats isn't the problem it's the petinv and elementinv. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Bruh why do my comments keep duplicating? CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Wait I realized I could just put the elementinva and petinv inside the i v thing. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
I need more information on how this works because it isn't functioning. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
I need more information on how this works because it isn't functioning. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Data stores don't save on PlayerLeave if your in studio, have you tried testing it in the actual roblox game. Sorry fr the late response NeptyU 15 — 4y
I have and it doesn't seem to function. I'll try to figure this out on my own since the responses are not fast. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Ok when I try to save a bool value which is in PetInv and ElementInv it doesn't work because the save system can't do it for some reason. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Ok when I try to save a bool value which is in PetInv and ElementInv it doesn't work because the save system can't do it for some reason. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
This site needs to fix comment duplication. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y
Ok I have set all the bool values into number values so 0 = false and 1 = true but the loading thing does not work. Could you give me more info on just that. Sorry for all the trouble. CandyWreckEpicness 115 — 4y

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