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Can someone help me with this script?

Asked by 10 years ago

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So, I'm trying to do a banking system. I have the money and the bank GUI working, but this does not seem to work. Can someone help me figure out why it when I insert the value I want to deposit it won't change the text of the Bank Money GUI.

function hi()
    local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
    bank = player.BankSave.Value
    money = player.MoneySave.Value
    withdraw = script.Parent.Parent.MoneyValue
    withdrawcash = script.Parent.Parent.MoneyValue.Value
    if money >= withdrawcash then
        bank = withdraw.Value+bank
        print("we just deposited some moolah")
        script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false
        script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Good.Visible = true
        script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false
        script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Error.Visible = true



1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

Your assignments to bank and money set bank and money to numbers. Because the Value property is just a number.

It does not link the variable bank and the Value of the BankSave value.

Your variable names should be clearer. What you are doing is a deposit, not a withdrawal.

I am not understanding the purpose of your four Value objects, but here is a simplification involving three of different possible names to illustrate how this will work:

function hi()
    local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

    bank = player.BankSave
    cash = player.MoneySave
    deposit = player.Deposit

    if cash.Value >= deposit.Value then
        bank.Value = bank.Value + deposit.Value
        cash.Value = cash.Value - deposit.Value

        print("we just deposited some moolah")
        script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false
        script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Good.Visible = true
        script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false
        script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Error.Visible = true


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