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I keep getting the error "end:4: Expected function call arguments after '('". What?

Asked by
RFL890 4
4 years ago
1while true do
2    for _, v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
3        if v:WaitForChild("Part") or v.Name == "Part" then
4        v:Destroy
5    end

This is a workspace cleaner. Every time it returns: end:4: Expected function call arguments after '(' What does this even mean?

Use v:IsA(ClassName) instead of waiting for a child. Dovydas1118 1495 — 4y
Yeah, i'll try that, (By the way, the aitforchild is to check if it is a model with parts inside) RFL890 4 — 4y

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Answered by
Soban06 410 Moderation Voter
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

You are missing an end and the brackets of Destroy. Change your code to this:

1while true do
2    for _, v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
3        if v:WaitForChild("Part") or v.Name == "Part" then
4        v:Destroy() -- You also need to add brackets.
5        end
6    end
Ah. Thank you! (I never thought old me would do such an error, and use waitforchild() not IsA()) RFL890 4 — 4y

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