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Click TextButton to get kicked from the server script doesn't work, can anyone help?

Asked by 4 years ago

Hello! I'm experimenting with scripting so I'm fairly new, and I wanted to create a button that can kick you from the server.

01FateButton = workspace.killroom.KBcontrolpanel.KILLBUTTON
02function death(gb,msg)
03    FateButton.Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = (gb)
04    print(msg)
05    return
08    local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild()
09    FateButton.SurfaceGui.Enabled = true
10    death("You clicked the kick button, you are now being kicked.","Kicking player..")
12    plr:Kick("Kicked because you pressed the kick button")

The output says line 8 is wrong because "Argument 1 missing or nil." This is outside of my small circle of knowledge about Lua scripting, so if anyone knows about it, please help.

Trying doing local player rather than doing FindFirstChild. As FFC looks for the first child with a specific name (Argument 1) if you did Xzenerne 0 — 4y

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago

Line 8 local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild() uses the built-in function :FindFirstChild, which requires the first parameter as the child to look for. You can't find a child if you provide no child name.

Definitely true. if there is nothing to find u'll find nothing. definitely. TheEagle722 170 — 4y
Also make sure It is not in a localscript! TheEagle722 170 — 4y
Thanks for this answer! I always thought FindFirstChild would pick the child at the top of the list if no child was specified, but I guess I was wrong. Also I fixed the script by removing game.Players:FindFirstChild() and writing script.Parent.Parent, since the LocalScript is in the StarterGui. YoureTotallyScrewed 9 — 4y
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Answered by 4 years ago

Rather than doing FindFirstChild(), try doing

01FateButton = workspace.killroom.KBcontrolpanel.KILLBUTTON
02    function death(gb,msg)
03        FateButton.Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text = (gb)
04        print(msg)
05        return
06    end
07    FateButton.SurfaceGui.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
08        local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
09        FateButton.SurfaceGui.Enabled = true
10        death("You clicked the kick button, you are now being kicked.","Kicking player..")
11    wait(3)
12        plr:Kick("Kicked because you pressed the kick button")
13    end)

As FindFirstChild() Needs an argument of which part or object you are trying to find.

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