So this is really simple, I noticed my script was not changing the text on my gui so I decided to do a test. But it just doesn't work, no output or anything.
In a local Script, inside starter Gui
1 | local Gui = game.StarterGui.Click.TextLabel |
2 |
3 | Gui.Text = "test" |
Try doing this:
1 | local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
2 |
3 | local textLabel = game.Players [ Player.Name ] .PlayerGui.Click.TextLabel |
4 |
5 | textLabel.Text = "test" |
To explain what @Soban06 did:
The StarterGui is a folder which gets copied to a player who joins' folder. (When a player joins, he gets a "personal folder" which is game.Players.<playerName>).
So when your player joins, the content of the StarterGui Folder gets copied into the "personal folder".
So, when you try to change a specified player's gui, you have to change it in the "personal folder" (game.Players.<player>.PlayerGui in this case).
Ummm just a small tipp at the end: Keep in mind, that game.Players.LocalPlayer can only be used in a LocalScript.
PS 1: The script you made, changes the text on the textlabel for players who join after the script executed.
PS 2: @Soban06, it would be nice if you can explain your script next time, this site is called "scripting HELPERS" not "script REQUESTS where no one knows what a script even is".
If you got any questions, I'm here ;)