Hello, I am trying to get a vehicle door to open/close when pressing E on it.
i think i have narrowed it down to the code below which is causing the issue.
createButton:NewPulse(door.Remote, function(player, wire) local torso if not wire then torso = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") elseif wire then torso = wire.PrimaryPart end if not (pos.Value == 0) or not torso then pos.Value = 1 else if posConstraint then pos.Value = posConstraint else local p = hingeAnchor.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(torso.Position) if p.Z > 0 then pos.Value = 1 else pos.Value = -1 end end end toggleSwitch() end)
Anyone have an idea?
If a player jumps off the driver seat the door will open automatically. if the door is open and a user get on the seat the door will close. This is accomplished by the code below and it works fine.
pos.Changed:connect(toggleSwitch) toggleSwitch() local seat = door.VehicleSeat if seat then seat.Changed:connect(function(property) if property == "Occupant" then if seat.Occupant then pos.Value = 0 else pos.Value = posConstraint or 1 end toggleSwitch() end end) end end end
the whole code is
local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local createButton = require(game.ServerScriptService.GameObjects.WireItems.CreateButton) local doorModule = {} -------------------------------------------- ------------- door setup --------------- function doorModule.new(doorList) for _, door in pairs(doorList) do local hingeAnchor = door.Anchor local hinge = door.Hinge local pos = door.Pos local posConstraint = door.PosConstraint local toggleMotor = Instance.new("Motor") toggleMotor.Part0 = hingeAnchor toggleMotor.Part1 = hinge toggleMotor.C0 = CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2, math.pi, 0) * CFrame.new(hingeAnchor.Size.X / 2, 0, 0) toggleMotor.C1 = CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi/2, 0) * CFrame.new(hinge.Size.Z / 2, 0, 0) toggleMotor.MaxVelocity = 0.08 toggleMotor.Parent = toggleMotor.Part0 door.Model:MakeJoints() local function unanchor(part) for _, part in pairs(part:GetConnectedParts()) do if part.Anchored and not (part == hingeAnchor) and part.Parent == door.Model then part.Anchored = false unanchor(part) end end end unanchor(hinge) if not door.Remote:FindFirstChild("ButtonPrompt") then print(door.Remote:GetFullName()) end local doorName = door.Remote.ButtonPrompt.Value local function toggleSwitch() toggleMotor.DesiredAngle = pos.Value * math.pi/2 if pos.Value == 0 then door.Remote.ButtonPrompt.Value = "Open "..string.lower(doorName) else door.Remote.ButtonPrompt.Value = "Close "..string.lower(doorName) end end createButton:NewPulse(door.Remote, function(player, wire) local torso if not wire then torso = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") elseif wire then torso = wire.PrimaryPart end if not (pos.Value == 0) or not torso then pos.Value = 1 -- This was 0, this allowed the door to close but not open. else if posConstraint then pos.Value = posConstraint else local p = hingeAnchor.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(torso.Position) if p.Z > 0 then pos.Value = 1 else pos.Value = -1 end end end toggleSwitch() end) pos.Changed:connect(toggleSwitch) toggleSwitch() local seat = door.VehicleSeat if seat then seat.Changed:connect(function(property) if property == "Occupant" then if seat.Occupant then pos.Value = 0 else pos.Value = posConstraint or 1 end toggleSwitch() end end) end end end return doorModule
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