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How can I fix my spectating system?

Asked by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Okay, so this isn't really a scripting question persey. Maybe more of a logic question? Either way, I need help. I'm making a spectating system, and the crux here is that I don't want the player to be able to spectate themselves (because I'm picky). So, instead of just being able to add or subtract from the iteration of my :GetPlayers() table, I have to work with some frustrating logic to avoid selecting my own player. Here's the code:

01local function SpectatePlayer(Iteration,Action)
02    local SelectedPlayer = Players:GetPlayers()[Iteration]
03    if SelectedPlayer then
04        if SelectedPlayer ~= Player then
05            if SelectedPlayer.Character and SelectedPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
06                SpectateFrame.PlayerName.Text = SelectedPlayer.Name
07                PlayerCamera.CameraSubject = SelectedPlayer.Character.Humanoid
08            end
09        else
10            if Action == "Back" then
11                SpectatorIteration -= 1
12                SelectedPlayer = Players:GetPlayers()[SpectatorIteration]
13                if SelectedPlayer.Character and SelectedPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
14                    SpectateFrame.PlayerName.Text = SelectedPlayer.Name
15                    PlayerCamera.CameraSubject = SelectedPlayer.Character.Humanoid
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Issue #1

I attempted to make it so when you reached the last player in the server and clicked the forward button again, it would reset to the beginning of the list. For example, if there were 5 players in a server, and I am currently spectating the fifth player, if I click "forward" again, it will go back to the first player. Likewise, for the "back" button, if I am on the first player, and I click the "back" button, it will go to the last player in the list. All this must happen while respecting the fact that I do not want the player to be able to spectate themselves (I tried to solve that in the section of the function where it checks the Action string).

Issue #2

It seems that I have to click the back/forward buttons twice before they actually do anything. Maybe because I used >= and <=? But I need those operators to ensure that the value does not go 0 or below, or higher than the amount of players in the server.

Again, I apologize for what seems like a rather silly question. My brain can't seem to wrap around it though! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Note: The SpectatorIteration variable is handled when activating my spectating GUI. It essentially just sets itself to the first player in the :GetPlayers() table that is NOT the local player.

Well, I currently fixed your Forward button problem. When, I'll able to fix the Back button, I'll post the fixes. BestCreativeBoy 1395 — 4y
@BestCreativeBoy will probably solve this, but this quite the dilemma. Imma join in to give my brain an exercise. Xx_FROSTBITExX 116 — 4y

2 answers

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Answered by 4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Well, there were a few flaws in your code (which was possibly breaking your script). Let's fix your issues step-by-step:

First, Forward button. In your code, you have these lines for your Forward button. The fix is mentioned below as well as where was the error :

2    if SpectatorIteration < #Players:GetPlayers() then -- You have used here 'if SpectatorIteration <= #Players:GetPlayers() then', highlighting the '<='. It means the first part is getting executed if SpectateIteration is equal to or less that all players. That 'equal to sign' is the reason, for blocking the second part of your code, 'elseif SpectatorIteration == #Players:GetPlayers() then'.
3        SpectatorIteration += 1
4        SpectatePlayer(SpectatorIteration,"Forward")
5    elseif SpectatorIteration == #Players:GetPlayers() then
6        SpectatorIteration = 1
7        SpectatePlayer(SpectatorIteration,"Forward")
8    end

Second, Back button. Well, after testing the Back button multiple times, I figured out that the Spectateiteration value was going down to 0. So, I edited your custom function and here it is what it should look like :

01local function SpectatePlayer(Iteration,Action)
02    local SelectedPlayer = Players:GetPlayers()[Iteration]
03    if SelectedPlayer then
04        if SelectedPlayer ~= Player then
05            if SelectedPlayer.Character and SelectedPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
06                SpectateFrame.PlayerName.Text = SelectedPlayer.Name
07                PlayerCamera.CameraSubject = SelectedPlayer.Character.Humanoid
08            end
09        else
10            if Action == "Back" then
11            -- The problem starts from here
12                if SpectatorIteration ~= 1 then -- It is a double checker whether the value isn't 1
13                    SpectatorIteration -= 1 -- If the value was 1, it turned it to 0, which was creating the problem
14                    SelectedPlayer = Players:GetPlayers()[SpectatorIteration]
15                    if SelectedPlayer then -- Double checking if the player exists
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Now, you have also mentioned that sometimes you have double-click to change the spectator. The problem was created by the Back button only, when the value changes to 0. So, this issue will be fixed automatically after applying Back button fix.

If you want the code, here it is. Just ignore some of the variables, because I had to re-create in Studio what you were trying to do.

01local SpectatorIteration = 1
02local Players = game:GetService('Players')
03local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
04local PlayerCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera
05local SpectateFrame = script.Parent.Frame
07local function SpectatePlayer(Iteration,Action)
08    local SelectedPlayer = Players:GetPlayers()[Iteration]
09    if SelectedPlayer then
10        if SelectedPlayer ~= Player then
11            if SelectedPlayer.Character and SelectedPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
12                SpectateFrame.PlayerName.Text = SelectedPlayer.Name
13                PlayerCamera.CameraSubject = SelectedPlayer.Character.Humanoid
14            end
15        else
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Lemme know if it helps!

Heck yeah, that fixed it. Thanks a lot bro Gey4Jesus69 2705 — 4y
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Answered by
imKirda 4491 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Well you are making some uneccessary actions in your script and making it too long, exactly for your case there is modulus operator. So your Issue 1 is that you want to skip from last player to first and from first to last if i understood you right, so you would need to use modulus operator instead (Which also should fix Issue 2). If you don't know how does the modulus work, here is quick explanation:

15 % 5 = 0
212 % 5 = 2
37 % 5 = 2
46 % 5 = 1

Modulus is how much left when divided, so 5/5 is 1, nothing is left. Since you can't divide 12/5 (To get normal number) modulus divides in this case 10/5 and returns 2 because this is how much is left. (Sorry this explanation is trash).

But in your case, here is how you could easily use Forward and Back buttons: So first you need as you said to remove local player so you can't spectate yourself, this can easily be done with this function:

01local Players = game:FindService("Players")
03local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
05local function GetPlayers()
06    local Players = Players:GetPlayers()
08    table.remove(Players, table.find(Players, LocalPlayer.Name))
10    return Players

First the function gets all players on the server but then it uses table.find to find index of value in the table, so all Players is table like

2    "WideSteal",
3    "kirda",
4    "jesus69",

And local player is jesus69 so it will search for this value and if it finds it then it will return index of the value in the table (Just classic pairs loop). Since table.remove needs 2 arguments (Table and Index) it should remove the local player by name from the table. Now that you've got players table, use the modulus operator for SpectatorIteration:

01local SpectatorIteration = 1
03local function Back()
04    SpectatorIteration = (SpectatorIteration - 1) % (#GetPlayers())
06    if SpectatorIteration == 0 then
07        SpectatorIteration = #GetPlayers()
08    end
10    SpectatePlayer(SpectatorIteration)
13local function Forward()
14    SpectatorIteration = (SpectatorIteration % #GetPlayers()) + 1
16    SpectatePlayer(SpectatorIteration)

So what Back function does is that it subs 1 from the Iteration and then uses modulus to 'module' it, it then checks if the Iteration is 0 and if it is then it sets the Iteration to the last player. Forward does the same but it adds 1 instead, here you don't need to check if Iteration is 5 because i can't explain, sorry (But is easy to understand). And here you see i used SpectatePlayer function which looks like this:

1local function SpectatePlayer(Iteration)
2    local SelectedPlayer = GetPlayers()[Iteration]
4    if SelectedPlayer then
5        -- do your stuff
6    end

You see here you don't have to check what action is what and, it uses the GetPlayers function which again prevents from spectating local player and should work good i guess. But maybe it does not work, i dunno you can test it.

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