So i was trying to make a circular gui and what i want it to do is that when you get a kill, the circular gui would only have a border, no middle section then it would grow and at the same time, the transparency would go up so i know how to do the growing and transparency part, but how do i get a circular gui? no images because it will have an inside i just want a border.
Not many people know this but you can add an object called "UICorner"
It makes your gui have rounded corners without images
The good thing is that it works with images and viewport frames, and u can also control how much rounded it is
Somehow i discovered it myself.
I don't think this is possible with Roblox's current GUI elements if you want specifically a circle border. The best you can do is create an image, hollow it out with a photoediting app, save as PNG and upload to Roblox and you should have a perfectly working circle border.