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Making a clock, trying to find out what to do to prevent a 10 from appearing in the 1st digit?

Asked by 4 years ago

For a game I'm trying to develop, I am trying to make a functional clock at the top of the screen. There are 3 different Text labels to adjust the minutes, and 2 digits for the seconds. When running, whenever the clock hits a flat 10 value in the seconds section the 10 will remain on the first digit. For example, if the time were to be going 6:42, 6:41 to 6:40, it would instead show 6:3 10. I am using this script with a NumValue in ReplicatedStorage. What should I go about doing to make sure the last digit never becomes a flat out 10 and to revert ten back to the 2nd digit?

local TimerValue = game.ReplicatedStorage.TimerValue.Value

--  script.Parent.Seconds.Text =        print(ThirdDigitFinal)  Stored code for later

if script.Parent.Seconds2.Text == 10 then
    script.Parent.Seconds2.Text = 0

while TimerValue > 0 do
    TimerValue = TimerValue - 1
    game.ReplicatedStorage.TimerValue.Value = TimerValue - 1
    local TimerValue = game.ReplicatedStorage.TimerValue.Value
    local MinutesRough = game.ReplicatedStorage.TimerValue.Value/60
    local Minutes = tostring(math.floor(MinutesRough))
    local SecondsDecimated = MinutesRough - Minutes
    local Seconds = SecondsDecimated * 60
    local Seconds2nd = tostring(math.floor(Seconds/10))
    local Seconds3rd = Seconds/10
    local ThirdDigit = Seconds3rd - Seconds2nd
    local ThirdDigitFin = ThirdDigit * 10
    local ThirdDigitFinal = tostring(math.ceil(ThirdDigitFin))
    script.Parent.Seconds2.Text = ThirdDigitFinal
    script.Parent.Minute.Text = Minutes
    script.Parent.Seconds.Text = Seconds2nd

Why are you using two TextBoxs for the seconds? Wouldn’t just using one work. Benbebop 1049 — 4y
I used two because I couldn't find a way to keep a zero in front of the text value with just one, it left the values going something like this: 3:11, 3:10, 3:9, 3:8 Simply_Nobody 0 — 4y

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Answered by 4 years ago

Closed, Figured out how to fix.


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