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Help with this IntValue changing script?

Asked by
Mystdar 352 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Might have missed something out, or forgotten something, but I think it is all there. (Both scripts are normal scripts not local) Okay, so I have created a script in which I have a union (Called Apple, but that is irrelevant) , when you touch the apple the apple will be removed from the workspace and your apple value will be +1. I have put an IntValue in the Player, like so:

        player.CharacterAdded:wait() --Waits until the CharacterAdded event has fired.
        local"IntValue") -- New IntValue
        Apple_count.Parent = player
        Apple_count.Name = "Apple_count" --Give a name to the IntValue, so you can easily identify it in other script

Now for the bit that doesn't work, the apple part (This is in a part, in the Workspace)

    print (player.Parent.Name) --This would print the name of the person who touched the brick
    local Player_name = player.Parent.Name
    local Apple=script.Parent
    Apple:remove() -- Haven't tested the remove part, because the script wasn't working without it, anyway.

The Output states that Player_name is not a valid member of Players. Thanks.

I edited my answer to include a description of how to use `FindFirstChild` BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y
Thanks. Mystdar 352 — 10y
It works. Mystdar 352 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

When you use .name, you're asking for that "name" in particular, the way you wrote it.

When you are asking for something with a particular value, use [ someName ]:

game.Players[Player_name].Apple.Value = ...

Illustrating why this works:

print( game.Players ) -- Players

-- same thing as:
print( game["Players"] ) -- Players

-- same thing:
local service = "Players"
print( game[service] ) -- Players

-- STILL same thing:
Workspace = "Players" -- (Don't do this in actual code!)
print( game[Workspace] ) -- Players

It's just usually more convenient to use the .: it also makes it clearer which names don't change (Players, Apple, Value) and which ones are variable(s) (Player_name)

Alternatively you could use the :FindFirstChild(Player_name) method, which in this case would have identical functionality.

In general, :FindFirstChild is useful because rather than throw an error upon there not being something of Player_name present, it will just return nil, which you (the programmer) can catch.

player = game.Players:FindFirstChild( Player_name )

if player then
    -- There **WAS** a player named `Player_name`
    player.Apple.Value = ...
    -- There WAS NOT a player
    -- DON'T do anything with `player` or there will be
    -- an error.

(The check is only necessary when you aren't sure that it exists.

If you are sure, it would make more sense to use []. You aren't sure if

  • The name was generated somehow from users or randomly

  • You got the name from an object, but it's been any time (wait() or any event) since you verified they were still there

  • Something in your script could have deleted the object


Thanks, for the detailed answer, I have already accepted however, could you show me breifly how FindFirstChild works, in this(or any) instance or should I post it as a new question? Mystdar 352 — 10y
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Answered by
Merely 2122 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

game.Players.Player_name is looking in Players for an actual player named "Player_name." If you want to index it based on that string, you should be using FindFirstChild.


Alternatively, you could use brackets

I appreciate the fact you answered my question, consequently I have given you a upvote, however due more content I accepted the other answer. Mystdar 352 — 10y

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