ClickDetector script doesn't have error but doesn't function the way I want can someone help?
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4 years ago Edited 4 years ago
So I'm making a game and I'm not sure, but I made a Clickdetector put in a script inside it and made a script
02 | local ClickDetector = script.Parent |
04 | ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect( function (Player) |
05 | local TextGui = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild( "TextGui" ) |
06 | local Configurations = TextGui.Configuration |
07 | if Configurations.Value 3. Value = = false then |
08 | if Configurations.Value 2. Value = = true then |
09 | TextGui.Frame.Visible = true |
10 | TextGui.Frame.GeneratedText.Text = "Text." |
15 | print (Player.Name.. " Already Opened" ) |
When Value3 is false then it works but when it goes to value2 it says cant skip even tho its true could anyone help me?
if you need me to explain more then comment
My bad I sent the wrong script without ClickDetector.MouseClick