When I tested this in Studio (Tools-Test-StartServer, and Player), I got an error for line 19...:
attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value)
--SETUP-- ToolName = "One" --Exact Tool Name here. Price = 0 --Price of the tool Currency = "Cash" --Currency Type --SETUP COMPLETE-- Button = script.Parent ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService") function CheckIfBought(name,Name) dss = ds:GetDataStore(Name.." KM Tools") if dss:GetAsync(name)==true then return true else return false end end function Buy(player) dss = ds:GetDataStore(player.Name.." KM Tools") stats = player.leaderstats currency = stats:FindFirstChild(Currency) a = game.Lighting.Tools:FindFirstChild(ToolName) if (CheckIfBought(ToolName,player.Name) == true) then --If the player already bought the tool... if a ~= nil then a:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack end else if currency ~= nil and currency.Value >= Price then currency.Value = currency.Value - Price a:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack dss:SetAsync(ToolName,true) end end end Button.MouseButton1Click:connect(Buy)
P.S. It would also be helpful if you could tell me if this code was to work with the error being fixed. Thanks!
Okay, so your problem is that the MouseClick event, I believe, doesn't return the player, it returns (EDIT: It returns absolutely nothing). Therefore you are attempting to use the nothing's name, which will return nil.
To fix this, you could access the player via the PlayerGui, where I would assume your script is located.
Edited code:
--SETUP-- ToolName = "One" --Exact Tool Name here. Price = 0 --Price of the tool Currency = "Cash" --Currency Type local PlayerGui = script.Parent.Parent.Parent --assuming the button is inside of a ScreenGui which inside of the PlayerGui local player = PlayerGui.Parent --SETUP COMPLETE-- Button = script.Parent ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService") function CheckIfBought(name,Name) dss = ds:GetDataStore(Name.." KM Tools") if dss:GetAsync(name)==true then return true else return false end end function Buy() dss = ds:GetDataStore(player.Name.." KM Tools") stats = player.leaderstats currency = stats:FindFirstChild(Currency) a = game.Lighting.Tools:FindFirstChild(ToolName) if (CheckIfBought(ToolName,player.Name) == true) then --If the player already bought the tool... if a ~= nil then a:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack end else if currency ~= nil and currency.Value >= Price then currency.Value = currency.Value - Price a:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack dss:SetAsync(ToolName,true) end end end Button.MouseButton1Click:connect(Buy)
That should work, though I am very inexperienced with DataStore things.
In this script, you didn't define player. That is your problem. To define player, I would recommend adding this to your code/script.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
The above explains what player is, so the script knows what you're talking about on line 19 near "player.Name".
Also, when you don't define what something means and it is used on more than one line(like this code/script), than it would not work on those lines.