Why can't my LocalScript find a GUI?
Hi. I'm making a GUI, and inside the GUI, there's a LocalScript. The LocalScript has to be local because it deals with things like KeyDown, and uses the Mouse. Anyway, at the start of the script, there's a bunch of Variables.
02 | local Players = Game:GetService( "Players" ) |
03 | local Player = Players.LocalPlayer |
04 | local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() |
08 | local StartText = "Type '/' or Click here to Chat (Disabled for Guests)" |
13 | local ChatBar = script.Parent.ChatBar |
When I test it in Studios, it works fine, even if the Variables aren't Local.
But when I go on the Game Online, not on studios, it says that ChatBar isn't there, when it is.
How do I get it to work?
(I know the local Game = game variable is useless...)