How do i let my a function in my module know that a variable in another script has been changed?
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4 years ago Edited 4 years ago
Say I got a script right.
1 | local Module = require(game.serverscriptservice.Module) |
2 | local DoILikeApples = false |
Then I got this function in a module script.
04 | function Module.Will_IEatApples(DoILikeApples) |
05 | while DoILikeApples ~ = true then |
07 | if DoILikeApples = = false then |
then back in my script, I add this.
01 | local Module = require(game.serverscriptservice.Module) |
03 | local DoILikeApples = false |
06 | Module.Will_IEatApples(DoILikeApples) |
how do I communicate with my module function to let it know the new value for DoILikeApples