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How do I adress all of my players?

Asked by 10 years ago

I need a script that will adress all the players, not just 1 specific player. So then I can use scripts like

function onTouch()

game.Workspace.___.Humanoid.MaxHealth = "0"



The "___" is where I need the help

1 answer

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

To get all of the Players in a Place, you have to use a loop. Specifically, a for loop. This can be done in two ways, using a numeric or a generic for. I will show you both, starting with the generic for:

local Players = game:GetService("Players") --Where Players are stored in the Game

script.Parent.Touched:connect() --Anonymous function, since it's only connected once. We don't care who touched it, so no parameter is supplied.
    for _, v in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do --See below
        if v.Character then
            v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0

There is a lot going on in that for line there, so let me explain it in detail:

The keyword for designates the rest of the code until the next keyword do as a loop definition. Basically, it sets up the loop.

In a generic for loop, you give 'parameters' to catch the return values of an iterator function. , which is called after the in keyword.

Lua provides two iterator functions out-of-box: pairs and ipairs. Both take a Table as an argument, and both return the current Key and current Value for each 'loop', which is why there are two parameters** given. The difference is that pairs will randomly* traverse the table, visiting each key-value pair once, and then the loop ends, where ipairs will traverse the table starting at the integer key of 1, and then of 2 on the next call and so on. ipairs will not catch non-integer keys, nor will it catch non-sequential integer keys.

*I say randomly, but it's not really random, although it's difficult to ensure it will be the same every time. Basically, the order you see the objects in Explorer is the order pairs will find them, most of the time.

** Two parameters, but one is just an underscore (_), which typically (in Lua) means that the value it contains is not used, which it isn't in this case.

After the iterator function call is the do keyword, which starts the body of the loop. Here I check to make sure the given player has a Character, and then kill it if they do.

The numeric for is a bit easier to understand:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    local players = Players:GetPlayers() --Lua is caps sensitive

    for i = 1, #players do
        if players[i].Character then
            players[i].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0

The numeric for has a very specific form:

for (parameter) = (startnumber), (endnumber), (step) do

parameter is simple the variable that holds the current state of the loop.

startnumber is the number the loop starts at.

endnumber is the one it ends at.

step, which defaults to 1, is what to add to startnumber every time the code loops.

If endnumbered is reached, the code will execute with i = endnumber. However, if it is exceeded the loop will end and not execute again.

If you don't know, # operator gets the number of key-value pairs in a Tables that have starting-at-one sequential, integer keys. Similar to how ipairs works. The brackets are used to access the members of the players table in the above code, and this works since GetPlayers returns a Table with sequential integer keys:

table = {"one", "two", three = 3}

print(table[1]) --one
print(table[2]) --two

print(table[3]) --nil (we only gave the first two values automatic 'keys', the third we explicitly defined)
print(table.three) --3 (syntactic sugar for the next line of code. Does not work for 'keys' that start with a number, or *are* a number.)
print(table["three"]) --3

print(#table) --2 (the third entry is not a sequential integer key)
Any particular reason this was downvoted? adark 5487 — 10y

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